With the start of a new year, our focus has shifted towards a full-time effort concerning our missional move to Honduras for long-term work at Hospital Loma de Luz.
This week we have settled into a small spot nestled in the mountains by Colorado Springs.

Jake and I are starting the Compass course, which is the Pre-field Training course from Mission Training International (MTI). The joke in the title was only half true. In a lot of ways it does feel like we are in a school of some sorts. We are of course currently procrastinating our day's homework to take care of other business. ;) In all seriousness though, the course moves fast and is bound to be a good experience and great opportunity. We'll have to circle back around in four weeks to follow up on that.
In other news, Jake and I had our Theological Interview with WorldVenture today. Neither of us would ever claim to be a theologian ourselves nor have we ever been to seminary, so we weren't sure how our answers could satisfy the questions and curiosity of our interviewer. It was a rather exhausting interview as I tried to keep myself from sneaking peeks at the clock in the right lower corner of the screen and remain as present and engaged as I possibly could. Honestly, I would like to have imparted a tongue-in-cheek comment about the nature of the questions we received right now, but that would have been nothing more than a pitiful attempt at a deflective shield to hide the shame I feel for not being as adept at the study of the nature of God and religious beliefs as I wish I was. Instead I will say that we answered honestly and as best we could. That interview was the last box to be checked with WorldVenture. And now we wait. Wait to hear if they accept us and are willing to work with us as our sending agency. We expect to hear this news sometime after Jan 30th. Until then, we are very thankful the last interview is over so that we can more fully engage and enjoy our time here at MTI.
Much Love.