Christa is a family medicine resident. She and I arrived to Togo on the same flight. It was a fun blessing to experience both Togo and Hospital of Hope simultaneously with a friend. We are standing in front of our rooms at the guesthouse where we stayed (and I am still staying). We finally remembered to grab this photo yesterday before she left early this morning.

Christy. Christel. Christa
We may have enjoyed the slight confusion we caused a bit too much. Christel is a Pharmacist from Australia who arrived a week ago (staying for 6 weeks), and you already met Christa.

Bringing the herd in for the evening. I do believe that first cow was not pleased with my presence... awkward! I slowed my pace to trail after them on my way to the hospital.

Overview of the hospital from the water tower.

This little girl accompanies her mama every day she works here at the guesthouse. She babysits her little sister while her mama works. The Togolese carry their children on their backs wrapped up in pagne.

Entrance gate to the hospital compound.
There are many pros and cons to living at the guesthouse. My meals are provided for me. The guesthouse ladies take care of laundry and even clean my room once a week. With all that I am learning, it is a blessing to not have to reserve any brain power for basic life necessities, such as what will I eat. Also being so close to the hospital, I am free to walk back and forth. This was a blessing back in residency when I didn't want to drive in the snow. Here I would prefer a bit more freedom and the ability to come and go about Mango. I fear my dirt bike riding will not be as handy as I'd hoped. But then, I get a call of an emergency c-section at 3am, and I am thankful I can quickly run to the hospital.
Much Love.
Enjoying your posts.
Nettie 💕🙏
Please post a video of you riding the dirt bike.... 😁